A stirring
After part-time youth ministry, then graduation from seminary and then years of active participation in churches (leading various outreach teams, worship teams, home groups and cross-cultural ministry) 2010 - 2013 brought with them a growing sense that the Lord was leading us towards serving Him in full-time ministry.

But where? What? When? How? Telling people about Christ in countries where gospel access is limited has been something we have prayed and sought counsel about, yet it seemed best to stay in the Washington, D.C. area to reach internationals and immigrants who have moved here.
Crying out to God​
We prayed and fasted. We read His word. We got counsel from many. M. spent a day on a mountain, calling out to God. Then we prayed more. Gut-wrenching, from the heart, white-knuckle kind of praying.
Finally, we felt as though we had a vision for what He was leading us to.
During M's time on the mountain, he was led to two passages; Psalm 67 and Romans 15:20,21. Each passage confirmed what we had been sensing: a call to pointing the nations - especially those who haven't heard - to the one, true God.

We were eventually led to an organization with a vision to reach those people for Christ who have moved to the U.S. from difficult-to-reach nations; an organization called Global Gates. After completing their Missionary Training School in New York City, we returned to the D.C. area to share Christ with internationals and immigrants in the Washington, DC area.
Partner with us to reach the nations in our own backyard.