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Many of the world's unreached people groups* are living in Western countries...The church must recognize the Great Commission opportunity set before her.

J.D. Payne, Strangers Next Door

​Going to the nations​
Jesus charged His followers to disciple the nations (Matt. 28:19) and to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). We are called to spread his fame to all ethnicities.

The nations coming to us
Through God's divine orchestration (Acts 17:26,27), He is bringing peoples from all over the world to our cities and neighborhoods. Even right next door!


A strategic demographic

​The Lord regularly uses relationships (family, friends etc.) to spread the gospel. Frequently, ​​immigrants return to their native land to visit people who are dear to them. Similarly, many international university students studying here go back to the country that sent them.

These people, once introduced to Christ, are a strategic demographic for spreading the gospel amongst unreached people groups - both here in the U.S. and back in their native countries.



So, now what?

Our family sees this need and feels led to respond. Here's our vision.

* The term "unreached people group" was coined by Ralph Winter in 1974 and is generally understood along the lines of Operation World's following definition: An ethnolinguistic people group among whom there is no viable indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize their own people without outside (cross-cultural) assistance. (Operation World, pg 962)



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